Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said he would send to Zagreb a list of 20,000 names of children killed in Jasenovac and other World War 2 concentration camps in Croatia.
Dacic told Belgrade daily newspaper Vecernje Novosti that the list is Serbia’s response to attempts to lessen the crimes committed by the Ustashe (WW 2 Croatian fascists), adding that he would send the list to Zagreb by registered mail.
“I planned to do that earlier but whenever I decided to send the list to a certain minister they replaced them. That happened when I wanted to send former Foreign Minister Davor Ivo Stier the list of murdered children but this time they will get it by registered mail,” Dacic said.
He said that Croatian officials should keep quiet out of a sense of decency towards the victims and not call for new investigations like President Kolinde Grabar Kitarovic who urged the forming of an international commission to determine the number of victims in Jasenovac.
Thousands of Serbs, Jews, Roma and others were killed at the Jasenovac camp complex by the Ustashe during World War 2.