EFJ supports Serbian journalists taking part in general strike

NEWS 24.01.202519:05 0 komentara

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) expressed full support for Serbian journalist organizations taking part in the general strike. Pročitaj više

“The EFJ today gave its full support to the Serbian journalists’ organisations which have called for a general strike to take part in the action of “general civil disobedience” organised by Serbian students following the tragic accident at the Novi Sad train station, killing 15 people,” a press release said.

The EFJ denounced threats made by Serbian Minister of Information and Telecommunications Dejan Ristic against the Serbian Coalition for Media Freedom.

“More than 80 newsrooms in Serbia are on strike today, in response to a call from the Coalition for Media Freedom. Denying the newsrooms’ ability to take an independent stance, the Minister accused the Coalition of working against the public interest,” it said and added that the minister’s political interference has to be condemned.

The press release said that all the participants in the EFJ workshop in France signed up to the Coalition for Media Freedom’s appeal in a show of solidarity.

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