Igor Zezelj – once a leader of student protest, now he accuses students of cooperation with foreign services

NEWS 25.01.202515:41 0 komentara
N1/ screenshot naslova Kurira

Kurir daily, owned by Igor Zezelj, a former prominent participant in the 1996-1997 student protest, distributed to its readers a PDF document called "The Project", which according to him represents the preparation of the student blockade of the Belgrade Autokomanda on January 27, and which is allegedly supported by foreign services. Using the same pattern, by which the opponents of the regime were targeted almost three decades ago, among whom was Zezelj himself, the owner of Kurir is now trying, through his tabloid, to distance "common sense" citizens from those who have fallen into the "trap" of "psychological games" of the "foreign mercenaries and interest groups". Pročitaj više

Revealing the details of the organizing and planning of the Autokomanda blockade, Kurir reported that they came to the alleged document thanks to an (unnamed) student, who allegedly revealed to the tabloid that „foreign services and their consultants worked on it for days and that they planned every minute of the action to perfection.“

Analyzing the elaborate activities of the so-called „Project“, Kurir assessed that these are „psychological games“ that pose „traps for citizens“ with „very serious and powerful advisers from various interest groups and pressure groups“ behind them.

In this way, the Kurir tabloid manipulates its readers by questioning the sobriety, reason and free will of every individual who decided to support the students and join the blockades, insinuating that they were either seduced by „psychological games“ and caught „in traps“ or are part of an „interest groups“, with „foreign services“ in the background of it.

Like other tabloids before it, Kurir does not offer any evidence for the involvement of foreign services in student activities, relying in its accusation only on the statement of an unnamed student.

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