The Serbian state TV (RTS) and Radio TV Kosovo (RTK) reported police raids on what the Pristina authorities call Serbia’s parallel structures. Pročitaj više
The RTS reported a raid on Serbian government institutions in the northern majority-Serb town of Gracanica including the Pristina municipality temporary authorities, the Serbian post office and of the Kosovo Administrative District.
The RTK Quoted Internal Affairs Minister Xhelal Svecla who said that the police raided dozens of locations to close the parallel structures in Lipljan, Obilic, Pristina, Kosovo Polje/Fushe Kosova, Vucitrn, Novo Brdo, Kamenica, Vitina/Viti , Orahovac and Srbica/Skenderaj Rahovec, Skenderaj, as well as the illegal tax office and post office, were closed.
Svecla is reported to have said that the time of Serbia’s parallel institutions in Kosovo ends today.
The RTK also quoted Local Government Minister Elbert Krasniqi who said that Serbia’s 28 parallel municipalities and their 5 districts are now closed.
The campaign for the Kosovo Parliament elections began on Wednesday. Analysts believe that the raids could be linked to the elections.
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