Media organization calls European media to cover protests

NEWS 19.12.202410:10 0 komentara
putin ruski mediji
Shutterstock/Zhenya Voevodina

The Coalition for Media Freedom called European media outlets to report on the protests in Serbia. Pročitaj više

A press release called European journalists to cover what the Coalition said is “the struggle to free Serbian citizens from Aleksandar Vucic’s autocratic regime”

“We are calling you to inform your public about events in Serbia and the behavior of certain high-ranking official from European countries who are persistently supporting a little Balkan tyrant who is attacking his own citizens and who stole their state. We don’t know why they’re doing that but whatever the reason, they should be ashamed,” the Coalition said.

It said that the authorities responded with repression to the mass youth-led public protests to demand accountability for the tragedy at Novi Sad Railway Station that claimed 15 lives.

“We understand the complexity of the geo-political situation but we are calling you to come here, the heart of Europe, and see for yourselves the just struggle of our citizens which, we are proud to say, can serve as an example for all of Europe,” the press release said.

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