Speaker of the Serbian Parliament, Vladimir Orlic, called a session for Monday, which will, among other things, discuss the budget for the next year, media laws and the special law (lex specialis) for EXPO 2027.
There are 60 items on the agenda, including, among others, the draft budget for 2024, the draft law on public information and media, the draft law on electronic media, and the draft law on special procedures for the implementation of the EXPO BELGRADE 2027 specialised exhibition.
Three opposition MPs left the session of the Committee for Culture and Information on Sunday because proposals of media laws were added only today, as an addition to the agenda, stating that a more serious discussion had to be held on this matter.
The Government of Serbia adopted drafts of two crucial media laws on Friday – the law on public information and media and the law on electronic media.
The government previously, after consultation with the OSCE and media associations, deleted two controversial articles from the Law on Electronic Media, which placed cable broadcasters in a subordinate position in relation to the Regulatory Body for Electronic Media.
However, the draft law on public information and media still contains articles according to which the state telecommunications company, i.e. Telekom Srbija, will have a license to establish media outlets.
The Media Strategy clearly states that the state must get out of media ownership.
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