N1 received another in a series of threats and verbal assaults directed against the media outlet’s staff.
The e-mail death threat which was sent on Monday said: “You American mercenary shits should be slaughtered like rats because of your lies”.
N1 Serbia Program Director Igor Bozic told the SafeJournalists (SJ) network that “this just continues on the threats we have been receiving. “The staff in our outlet feel endangered when they receive threats as brutal as this,” he said.
The threats were condemned by Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (NUNS) President Zeljko Bodrozic. “This threat is the result of years of a ruthless regime campaign against N1 TV and its journalists. Similar comments and messages have flooded most of our public space – from parliament to pro-regime media to social networks. A witch hunt has been underway against our colleagues in N1 and other independent and professional media, turning them into legitimate targets for many impassioned persons who are prone to violence. I hope that the competent bodies will find the thug who sent this dangerous threat,” Bodrozic is quoted as saying.
“The SafeJournalists Network, representing more than 8,200 media professionals in the Western Balkans, joins its member IJAS in condemnation of the threats against N1 journalists. We call upon relevant institutions in Serbia to act and secure the safety of journalists and hope that they will conduct the entire procedure swiftly and punish the perpetrator. SafeJournalists Network will inform relevant national and international stakeholders about this case,” a press release said.