Law School professor and ProGlas initiator Miodrag Jovanovic told N1 that a large number of people responded to this initiative’s call to submit photo and video materials proving election irregularities, specifying that, once processed, the materials will be submitted to the Constitutional Court along with a petition to annul the December 17 election results.
He explained that the ProGlas initiative will work with the Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability (CRTA) to classify the material and then produce video material, which will speak about the most pronounced forms of election irregularities.
“Since the deadline to file a petition with the Constitutional Court is 15 days from the release of the overall election results, our plan is to complete this material in the next ten days,” said Jovanovic.
The professor said he expects a swift reaction from the Constitutional Curt despite the fact that there are no deadlines for it to pass a decision, because this is a matter of urgency and requires prompt action.
“I cannot predict how the Constitutional Court will react, but this is a matter that, by its nature, must be resolved urgently, not just so we would know where we stand with the election results, but also so we would learn if there are democratic elections in Serbia at all. To that end we will certainly exert some pressure for a decision to be made within a reasonable period of time,” said Jovanovic.
The ProGlas initiative was launched on November 7, 2023 by a group of concerned intellectuals and public figures calling people to vote in the December 17, 2023 elections. Following elections, this non-partisan initiative called for their annulment due to election irregularities and for the holding of new elections.