Democratic Serbia expects the European Union to say clearly and loudly what Serbia looks like today, to say that the elections in Serbia were unfair and unjust, that Serbia has distanced itself from Europe and that the Serbian authorities have de facto stopped the accession process, because all these are indisputable facts, said the leader of the opposition Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) Dragan Djilas, reacting to the statement of the EU ambassador in Serbia, Emanuele Giaufret.
The ambassador said he expected the opposition should assume its role and functions in the new convocation of the parliament, while “at the same time, the timely, inclusive and transparent implementation of ODIHR’s recommendations, before any future elections, must remain a priority for Serbia.”
“Esteemed ambassador, the opposition would like to take the parliamentary seats that belong to it by the will of the citizens, but they were stolen by the SNS deputies through the election theft. We would like to take over the leadership of Belgrade, but we are prevented from doing so by the election theft. In addition, it does not occur to (Serbian President) Aleksandar Vucic to implement any essential recommendations of the ODIHR, nor to acknowledge the facts stated in the resolution of the European Parliament. On the contrary, he continues to abuse the media more intensively than before the December elections, to put pressure on employees in state enterprises and the administration, and to bring voters from the south of Serbia to Belgrade,” Djilas stressed.
He also said that all those who are silent about “the aforementioned facts” and everyone who “allegedly” does not see the level of corruption and crime in Serbia “become accomplices of Aleksandar Vucic in the destruction of Serbia.”
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