Professor voices support for student protests on state TV

NEWS 15.01.202510:00 0 komentara
Profesor na Matematičkom fakultetu u Beogradu Stanislav Milošević
Screenshot RTS

A Belgrade University professor ended a guest appearance on the Serbian state TV (RTS) saying he was going back to his college to support protesting students.

Students in Serbia’s major university centers have taken over their colleges in a blockade protest over the lack of accountability for the deaths of 15 people in the November 1 collapse of a recently reconstructed concrete awning at Novi Sad Railway Station. The students are calling institutions such as the judiciary to do their jobs.

Mathematics Faculty Professor Stanislav Milosevic was invited to appear on the RTS news to speak about the use of different calendars across the world, including the Julian calendar which is used by the Serbian Orthodox Church.

He ended his guest appearance with an expression of support for his students. “I am going back to the faculty to support the blockades,” Milosevic said.

This was not the first time that guests on the RTS spoke in support of the protests. In one instance, guests on a political talk show alluded to the fact that the authorities are trying to draw attention away from the protests and the show was interrupted immediately.

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