The Serbian Government plans to take out loans of around 190 million euros from Banka Postanska Stedionica and UniCredit Bank for the construction of the linear infrastructure for the National Stadium, reported eKapija.
As can be seen from the two bills that the government has put into the parliamentary procedure, loans of 11.2 billion dinars each (1 euro – 117 dinars), with a nine-year maturity date, including a grace period of two years, with the repayment of the principal amount in 14 equal installments, are planned, eKapija reported.
The preparatory planning works for the construction of the linear infrastructure will be carried out by Power Construction Corporation of China Ltd, with which the Government signed an agreement at the end of April.
The construction of the linear infrastructure, as said in the bill, entails traffic areas, road facilities, bridge structures, hydrotechnical infrastructure, energy infrastructure, telecommunications infrastructure, gas and thermal technical installations, installations and devices for fire protection, landscaping and greening, as well as other installations and devices that are not mentioned.
Under the Law on the 2023 Budget of the Republic of Serbia, borrowing of up to 190 million euros is approved for this project.
In May last year, the government pronounced the project of the construction of linear infrastructure for the needs of the development of a new area for the construction of the National Football Stadium with side features in the territory of the Belgrade municipality of Surcin a project of special significance, reported eKapija.