Students distance themselves from extremists

NEWS 13.01.202514:52 0 komentara
REUTERS/Djordje Kojadinovic

Protesting students distanced themselves from extremists who attended Sunday’s protest in front of the Serbian Constitutional Court. Pročitaj više

A crowd estimated at some 28,000 gathered in front of the court to stand in silence for 15 minutes and then hear a list of violations of the Constitution.

The crowd included members of extremist organizations with nationalist insignia and banners which the protest organizers could not remove.

A statement signed Students in the Blockade said that they “want to clearly and unequivocally distance ourselves from all extremist organizations and nationalist insignia which appeared during our protests”. “The presence of their flags and banners in the first rows of the protest was not in line with our values and goals,” it said.

The statement said that the blockades of university schools have no ideological agenda and that they do not support any separatism or polarization of society and called all participants and supports to focus on common goals and not display anything that causes divisions.

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