Marinika Tepic, a deputy leader of the opposition Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP), told N1 on Friday that Twitter informed her it blocked her account after numerous "reports" that followed her last week's tweet.
On December 4, she published a tweet with photos she said were the correspondence between the editors of pro-regime tabloids, which, according to her, „clearly show that journalists from different media received instruction from the same source.“
She headlined the tweet, „Look how (Serbia’s President Aleksandar) Vucic’s lie factory works.“
Evo kako radi Vučićeva fabrika laži:
Prepiska novinara Srpskog telegrafa i njihovog portala Republika sa direktivama kako da “hvataju” ljude koji nas psuju na protestu i druge prljavštine i panika zašto toga nema!
???— Marinika Tepić (@MarinikaTepic) December 4, 2021
Numerous „reports followed the tweet,“ and the social media blocked her account. Her last tweet was published 23 hours ago.
Tepic will head several opposition parties’ joint opposition ticket in Serbia’s 2022 elections.
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